The Covid Clot Connection:

Possible Mechanisms and Implications of Unusual Blood Clots in the Living and the Dead

A Message from Dr. McMillan

We are thrilled to announce that our "Disease X: Are You Prepared" Kickstarter campaign has surpassed its funding goal and will now be finalized and sent to the printers. The campaign will conclude on September 14th, so only a few hours remain. We are grateful to all those who have supported this Kickstarter, as it will provide us with the resources to continue creating informative and engaging publications. If you are reading this on Friday, September 13, it's not too late to join in and support this important project by using the link below:


Dr. Philip McMillan

In this week's September 13, 2024 update:

  • COVID-19: The Covid clot connection

  • Vejon: This week’s Vejon video highlight

  • Weight Loss: Is weight loss as simple as calories in, calories out?

  • Infographic: The Covid clot connection

  • Medical Ethics: The Nuremberg Code isn’t just for prosecuting Nazis

  • News: Medical News in Brief

  • Donate: Support Vejon MED with a contribution

  • Kickstarter: “Disease X” Kickstarter campaign

  • Advanced 360: COVID-19 Adv. 360 Course

    Read time: 8 minutes



  • Medical professional reported unusual blood clots in living patients since 2021, raising concerns about a significant change in clot formation.

  • COVID-19 is associated with high incidence of blood clots, possibly due to virus-induced endothelial damage and inflammatory response.

  • Vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT) is a rare but significant concern linked to some COVID-19 vaccines.

  • Unusual "mega clots" observed by embalmers and in living patients are fibrous, resistant to standard treatments, and may involve vasa vasorum.

Why is this Important: Investigating the causes and mechanisms behind unusual blood clots since 2021 is crucial for developing effective treatments and prevention strategies. Encouraging open scientific inquiry and allowing healthcare providers to report clotting events without stigma are essential steps in addressing this emerging health concern and improving patient outcomes.


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  • Gut microbes and bioactives in food play a crucial role in weight loss beyond simple calorie counting.

  • Whole foods with fiber and polyphenols regulate appetite and calorie intake better than processed foods.

  • Mitochondrial health significantly influences metabolism and calorie burning, affected by diet and lifestyle factors.

  • The microbiome converts bioactives into metabolites that support metabolic health and influence gene expression.

Why is this Important: Understanding the complex interplay between gut microbes, bioactives, and metabolism revolutionizes our approach to weight loss. By focusing on whole foods rich in fiber and polyphenols, we can optimize our microbiome, enhance mitochondrial function, and improve metabolic health, moving beyond simplistic calorie counting to achieve sustainable weight management.



  • The Nuremberg Code, developed during Nazi physicians' trials, established key principles for ethical medical research and human experimentation.

  • Voluntary informed consent is the Code's primary principle, along with subjects' right to withdraw from experiments at any time.

  • The Code influenced bioethics, replacing the paternalistic Hippocratic model with a human rights approach to medical research.

  • While widely recognized, the Code may not adequately address modern challenges like species-endangering research in genetics and AI.

Why is this Important: Ethical guidelines born from humanity's darkest hour continue to shape modern medical research. However, the Nuremberg Code's principles may fall short in addressing emerging challenges like species-endangering experiments in genetics and AI. This highlights the need for evolving ethical frameworks to protect human rights in an era of rapid scientific advancement.


  • Human knees have undergone major evolutionary changes to enable upright walking and differentiate us from extinct relatives.

  • Modern sedentary lifestyles have led to increased knee problems, unlike our hunter-gatherer ancestors who rarely experienced osteoarthritis.

  • Sesamoid bones, like the fabella, play a complex role in knee evolution and are linked to higher rates of osteoarthritis.

  • Knees are 'plastic', adapting to factors like nutrition and usage, making their evolution and current issues more complicated.

Why is this Important: Understanding knee evolution reveals crucial insights into human adaptation and modern health challenges. Our knees, shaped by complex evolutionary processes, are ill-suited for sedentary lifestyles. This mismatch contributes to widespread knee problems, highlighting the need for lifestyle adjustments and further research to address these issues effectively.


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Set within a child’s nose, ‘Humming Heroes’ features a family of Lymphocytes led by a wise Mother, brave Father, determined Brother, and heroic Baby, confronting invading microorganisms. The story takes an imaginative turn, when a humming melody combines with the Lymphocytes’ song to repel the invaders and restore inner harmony.